The WEXtern Journal

As part of my 2024 summer internship with WEX, I collaborated with a team of five other interns to create The WEXtern Journal, a bi-weekly journal for the company to see what interns were up to over the summer. Our journal highlighted intern events such as our weekly Leadership Speaker Series, spotlighted individual interns, and collected advice from experienced WEXers for current interns. As a part of the team, I helped write sections of the journal, as well as orchestrated the journal’s release across the company.

AI Explorations

As the world of Artificial Intelligence continues to develop, WEX has been growing and changing with it. AI Explorations is a blog series featured on the WEX intranet, and serves as an avenue for WEXers to explore the world of artificial intelligence. During my summer internship, I authored an article for the blog titled “AI From the Intern/Gen Z Perspective,” which explored the unique perspective on Artificial Intelligence that young professionals offer.

Social Media and Content Creation

I am savvy with social media and have lots of experience with Instagram and TikTok. My “Day in the Life” video as a WEX intern demonstrates my ability to produce creative and engaging content.